Puppyhood is typically 0 - 6 months old and is a pivitol time in your dog's learning experience. The Go
Dog Go Board and Train Program is for housebroken
adolescent and adult dogs, 6 months and older.

Offer your puppy a variety of toys to learn from and play with.
Exposure For Your Puppy
Once you bring your puppy home it's your job to safely introduce them to the world by exposing them to as much of it as you can. This means slow and careful experiences that do not overwhelm your puppy but teaches them about new smells, sounds, sights, and people that aren't necessarily part of your day-to-day life. The rules and structure you set for your puppy in and out of the home will create a social bond that is essential for your dog.
Read what the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has to say about early (first 3 months) puppy socialization. View the PDF Article by Clicking Here
NEW! Puppy Socialization Checklist - 101 New Experiences in 101 Days
View the PDF Checklist by Clicking Here
- BEFORE getting a puppy, take the time to research different breeds to determine which breed will work best for your situation. Matching THE BREEDS' ENERGY NEEDS to your own is a crucial step towards a successful relationship with your new dog.
- Take your pup to a veterinarian for a full check up.
- Crate training your pup is the best way to housebreak your puppy.
Ten Things NOT TO DO With Your Puppy
- Do not rub your pup's nose in its poop or urine.
- Do not spank, hit or yell at your pup.
- Do not overprotect your pup from new experiences.
- Do not keep your pup isolated for long periods of time.
- If your pup has an unpleasant experience, do not console it by petting or saying "it's okay."
- Do not let you pup wander inside or outside unattended.
- Do not take your pup to a dog park or allow it to greet strange dogs while on leash. Instead, make individual off leash "playdates" in a safely enclosed environment.
- Do not expect your pup to automatically know "the rules" of your house.
- Do not let your pup sleep in your bed. Provide it with a cozy place of its own near you.
- Do not avoid the vet. Your pup should have regular checkups throughout its life.
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